Feng Shui Your Lifesm

Five years ago, Feng Shui was introduced to me in a conversation during a transformative period under the guidance of a spiritual mentor. When asked about my knowledge of Feng Shui, my answer was simple: “Nothing.” This sparked a journey into the heart of Feng Shui that not only educated me but also reshaped my life—leading me to a mantra I live by today: Feng Shui Your Life.

While going through a life altering event during the pandemic, I decided I needed to put my focus into to something, to help take my mind off of the negative stuff that was going on into my life and focus on the positive. Something not only to learn, but something that I can dive deep into but something that can help create a support environment for what I was going through. Something that I learned actually changed my life. That is why my tag line is Feng Shui Your Life.

What does it mean to Feng Shui your life? It means to live life with intention. Change your mindset, and manifest what you are looking for. Sometimes you may think you know what that is, but it might lead you down a different path, but always learning something along the way.

Of course, we have ups and downs. We have to have the dark with the light. The Yin and the Yang. The Heaven and the Earth. Life and Death the Inward and the outward. That’s life. But we also need to flow with it. We need to be flexible and adaptable like bamboo.

With everything that is successful, solid … you have to have a solid foundation. With out that solid foundation, you are out of balance. It’s kinda like the game Jenga. If you don’t have a solid base, how can you keep building up?

When I think about Foundation when it comes to your everyday life, I think of your sacred space. Your home. We all are busy and have crazy schedules, or maybe you don’t.  Things get away from us and sometimes you get caught up with the crazy and that is fine. As long  as your home is your sacred space and you have positive energy flowing you can create the supportive environment not only that you want but that you need to support you. Maybe there is an area of your life that you would like to focus on. Is it your career/life path, love and relationships, new beginnings, or wealth and abundance?

While immersing myself in school, I was able to Feng Shui My Life while learning it firsthand.

Stay tuned as I take you along my journey step by step.

Reach out to me: You can send me a message or ask a question anytime through my website contact page

Connect with me on social media: Follow along on Facebook and Instagram for more tips, inspiration, and behind-the-scenes looks at how I help others bring Feng Shui into their lives.

Let’s work together to create a space that truly supports you. I can’t wait to connect!

–Brooke Ballan

BB Essentials


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